Friday, February 28, 2020

Risk Management and Investment Coursework Portfolio Lab Report

Risk Management and Investment Coursework Portfolio - Lab Report Example I also limited the number of shares because of the fee charges that runs the portfolio. When the portfolio balance grew from the investment returns, I increase the number of shares and changed the investment of the contributions. After passing the initial phase, I planned to tweak the investment so that they spread across the portfolio’s stock. I also gave a concern on the number of shares that strikes a perfect balance between ease management and diversification (Fabozzi 1989). I settled on 10 portfolios because it was easy to manage. The allocation I employed is 20% for each stock. Going through the fund’s list, I avoided investing on unpredictable outcomes like future inflation. Although the fund’s performance looks good, there still yet there exist many risks in this portfolio that needed to be cared. In this section, the fund’s risk analysis will described and discussed in the order as follows. Standard deviation is an indicator to measure the price’s fluctuation or the return’s volatility. A larger standard deviation means a larger volatility, which contains the bigger risk. As is shown in the overview of the investment fund, the largest standard deviation of price is 252.60 while the smallest is 2.77. Thus DGE is more risky than the others and the bond brings few risks to the portfolio. Moreover, the standard deviation of return ranges from 0.00213 to 0.0198. That demonstrates that PRU has the largest risks and the bond do few contributions to the risk of the fund. In sum, the assets with large standard deviation may prevent the fund’s aims to be achieved. If the confidence level is 95%, then the maximum and minimum VaR of the assets are 415.49 and 4.5593, which means there is 5% chance in a day that DGE and GILT face a loss of over 415.49 and 4.5593. Meanwhile, the portfolio’s VaR is 74189974.39, which means there is 95% possibility that the fund will not suffer a loss more than 74189974.39 in a day.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Tips for Effective Oral Presentations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Tips for Effective Oral Presentations - Essay Example In this easy, some tips on how to make an effective presentation are discussed. The issue of stage fright, which is a major hindrance to making an effective oral presentation and how to manage it, is also discussed. At the end of this discussion, there should be clarity on how one can make an effective oral presentation. Keywords: Oral Presentation, Effective, Stage Fright Introduction When making an oral presentation, it is very important for one to be able to present thoughts and ideas effectively. Oral presentations are usually very popular in job interviews, and especially when one starts working (Gupta, 2008). So everyone is encouraged to practice oral presentation even before friends and family so as to perfect the skill before the very important time. Ones ability in this area can either make or break his or her career. This is because a person can be very hard working in the job he or she is doing, but if he or she does not have good skills in oral presentation, his or her gr owth will not be seen (Aquino, 2008). There are people who have a certain potential for communication, but this does not mean that they are good at oral presentation. The techniques involved would be very beneficial to such people, to sharpen up their skills more. Effective oral presentation skills make a person more popular among colleagues, for example, a manager who has good skills in oral presentation is likely to be popular among his juniors (Gupta, 2008). What is Oral Presentation? Most of the time, people tend to confuse oral communication with oral presentation, but the two are totally different. According to Gupta, â€Å"oral communication is an interactive process of sharing information† (2008, p. 91) with people. Oral presentation on the other hand refers to a proper way of transmitting messages to an audience. It is important to note that effective oral presentations are important for the growth of a company or organization one is working for, especially when the partners or donors of the funds are present. Characteristics of an Effective Oral Presentation Purposeful: When being composed, an oral presentation should be directed to a definite purpose and one that is clear, because it is aimed at conveying a message to the audience (Rizvi, 2005). Interactive: Any oral presentation should involve the speaker, as well as the audience (Rizvi, 2005). Formal: This is what differentiates oral presentation from other forms of presentations. As said earlier, it is usually emphasized during job interviews. Thus, it is usually used in formal situations. Audience Oriented: This means that the topic has to be dealt with from the perspective of the audience (Rizvi, 2005). Importance of an Effective Oral Presentation Employers usually put great emphasis on oral presentation skills, than in any other form of communication skills. Gupta asserts that an oral presentation has the potential to educate, inspire and persuade more effectively than any other individ ual mode of communication (2008). At some point in ones career, he or she may be asked to make a presentation, and this is the reason why most of the business people rank oral presentation skills as among the most important factors responsible for their success. A good oral presentation can work wonders for any person who is looking for lucrative job offer from a company he or she has dreamt of working with