Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Seth Jones

There are only a couple of traits in Seth Jones’s character that I find believable. I find the fact that Seth is helping Alfred Haverland to save his daughter is a believable scenario. I also think the concern and caring for Mr. Haverland’s daughter is believable. Which speaks to Seth’s dominant hero traits. There are a lot of things that are completely unbelievable in the character of Seth Jones. Take for instance the way Seth talks and acts toward the Indians. Even if the Indians understood English I doubt they would put up with the attitude of Seth. Most of the over all character of Seth Jones is unbelievable and inflated to make him out like some kind of gentlemen mountainman. The western frontier was a rough place and mountainmen did have to know a lot about the Indians with trade and such but Seth Jones’s character takes that a little to far. The character of Seth Jones was based loosely on Daniel Boone. I think a character like that of Daniel Boone would help a friend to find his kidnapped daughter. Any man of the caliber of character associated with Seth Jones would have to help. If he didn’t help, he would not be much of a hero. Putting Seth into the kind of situation as that in The Captives of the Frontier makes him into the hero character he is. I also think that a lot of men in that situation, with a friend in need of help finding his daughter, would help that friend and his daughter. Which brings me to another of the believable traits of Seth Jones’s character, the way Seth is concerned for and cares about the welfare of Alfred’s daughter. Seth had to have concern for Alfred’s daughter (Ina) or he wouldn’t have gone to try and find her and bring her home. Of course a hero type character like Seth would care for the life of a friends daughter. I think anyone who has friends with... Free Essays on Seth Jones Free Essays on Seth Jones There are only a couple of traits in Seth Jones’s character that I find believable. I find the fact that Seth is helping Alfred Haverland to save his daughter is a believable scenario. I also think the concern and caring for Mr. Haverland’s daughter is believable. Which speaks to Seth’s dominant hero traits. There are a lot of things that are completely unbelievable in the character of Seth Jones. Take for instance the way Seth talks and acts toward the Indians. Even if the Indians understood English I doubt they would put up with the attitude of Seth. Most of the over all character of Seth Jones is unbelievable and inflated to make him out like some kind of gentlemen mountainman. The western frontier was a rough place and mountainmen did have to know a lot about the Indians with trade and such but Seth Jones’s character takes that a little to far. The character of Seth Jones was based loosely on Daniel Boone. I think a character like that of Daniel Boone would help a friend to find his kidnapped daughter. Any man of the caliber of character associated with Seth Jones would have to help. If he didn’t help, he would not be much of a hero. Putting Seth into the kind of situation as that in The Captives of the Frontier makes him into the hero character he is. I also think that a lot of men in that situation, with a friend in need of help finding his daughter, would help that friend and his daughter. Which brings me to another of the believable traits of Seth Jones’s character, the way Seth is concerned for and cares about the welfare of Alfred’s daughter. Seth had to have concern for Alfred’s daughter (Ina) or he wouldn’t have gone to try and find her and bring her home. Of course a hero type character like Seth would care for the life of a friends daughter. I think anyone who has friends with...

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